Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Girlfriend Retreat

In September I enjoyed our annual girlfriends retreat. This year we had a theme: Eat, Cry, Laugh. Which Lisa so graciously made us each a necklace, a cd with each of our favorite music and a one of a kind dvd of years past. The trip totally lived up to it's theme.

We stayed at Ronda's sister, Nola's cabin in Utah. Isn't it so perfect? Doesn't is say relax, take deep breathes and enjoy.

Here are the 8 of us. I am making that face because Ms. Angie was tickling my side. She is a trouble maker, that one. Ha!

On our visit to Park City we went in to a geneology building where the sweet couple missionaries took our picture. That's a great family tree!

Here we are outside Darnel Nichols house in Park City. She wasn't home, but that didn't stop us from visiting.

It was a wonderful weekend with women I admire and aspire to be like. They fill me up, they make me laugh until I cry, and they inspire me to be a better person. Love you ladies!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Love and light and let go

So I need to send out some love and light and let go so that I can move on in a positive direction. So I am sending it out and posting a video that makes me happy every time. This video sums up my kids. Kennedy is no where to be seen, she is hiding in her room. Harrison is yelling at Jefferson to stop singing, or playing the piano depends on the day and Jackson is secretly taping Jefferson singing with much gusto. You will notice the camera shakes a bit. jackson is laughing at his wackado brother and laughing at his brillant idea to secretly tape his older brother.

Sunday meeting in the hall

Do you remember when you spent most of the three hour block out in the hall with a baby. I miss those days. TIm snapped this shot a couple weeks ago of one such baby meeting.

Love those dads.

Little visitors {more catch-up}

We were able to have Peyton and Laynie spend three days with us in September while their mom and dad drove to Pendleton and then down to Eugene and then sat in traffic for hours after the football game. I think the girls had more fun playing with us. I know we had a fabulous time with the ladies. When they arrived, Peyton had just finished meeting her pre-school teacher and she was very excited. Her favorite part of her visit was the choo-choo she told us. Here she is showing us her name tag.

While Laynie was napping, Peyton made some scrambled eggs for lunch.

She did a wonderful job and the eggs turned out delicious!

Peyton got to watch Kennedy's soccer game on Saturday, while Jackson stayed home so Laynie could finish her nap. Thank you Jackson! Here is Kennedy and Laynie.

Thanks for staying with us ladies. You are always welcome to come and play and stay.

Monday, October 4, 2010

We begin catch-up

May 13, 2010

What do you do for your 40th? If your are Tim and his crazy running buddies, Greg Brunett, Jim, Chip and Nick Collins, you run the Grand Canyon from one rim to the other.

Would this deter you?

Ok, would knowing the road is closed at the other side of the Grand Canyon and once you got to the other rim, you would have no way of getting back except to "run" back discourage you? Chip, Greg and Tim headed out at 3 am to run from one rim to the other and back totaling 52 miles. Beautiful scenery. Great friends. Incredible memories and stories that Tim will enjoy for at least another 40 years. Happy Birthday Tim and congratulations on completing such an awesome run.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Homecoming weekend

Mr. Jefferson was on the homecoming court this year. He also campaigned pretty hard for a shy young guy, Hyunjae, to be nominated and ultimately be King. Jefferson was successful and was so excited when he found out that Hyunjae was also on the court. Here are some photos of Jefferson and Grace getting ready for their introduction. I love that Jefferson went wild at the tux shop and picked out something other than the expected black and white tux. Kinda shocked me.

Sarah came with us to join in the fun and when they announced the king and queen, there was a collective disappointed "ohhh" from the Chandler gang, as we were expecting Hyunjae to be named king.

Nice shoes, King Jefferson!

We also enjoyed watching and listening to Jackson crank out some tunes with the band. He is very entertaining to watch. That child gets into his music.

Three boys enjoying. Congratulations Jefferson and way to bring the pep Jackson. Thanks Aunt Sarah for playing with us!