Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Girlfriend Retreat

In September I enjoyed our annual girlfriends retreat. This year we had a theme: Eat, Cry, Laugh. Which Lisa so graciously made us each a necklace, a cd with each of our favorite music and a one of a kind dvd of years past. The trip totally lived up to it's theme.

We stayed at Ronda's sister, Nola's cabin in Utah. Isn't it so perfect? Doesn't is say relax, take deep breathes and enjoy.

Here are the 8 of us. I am making that face because Ms. Angie was tickling my side. She is a trouble maker, that one. Ha!

On our visit to Park City we went in to a geneology building where the sweet couple missionaries took our picture. That's a great family tree!

Here we are outside Darnel Nichols house in Park City. She wasn't home, but that didn't stop us from visiting.

It was a wonderful weekend with women I admire and aspire to be like. They fill me up, they make me laugh until I cry, and they inspire me to be a better person. Love you ladies!


Price Cream Parlor said...

Is it Sept already? I am SO ready to do this again... Don't know if I can wait 11 months though!
FUN times with wonderful women indeed!

Micah said...

How fun! Im glad you enjoyed some girl time!
I haven't looked at your blog for so long, I will be leaving lots of comments......

Kelly said...

Like Lisa, I am totally ready to do this again! Maybe a seasonal event instead of an annual event?