Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Monday, January 17, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Look who's happy with her new leopard-spotted Snuggie!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 Catch-up

A few photos that never made it to the blog in a timely fashion.

Jefferson enjoying the 4th of July on the lawn of the White House with the Garveys. Jefferson had a great summer in Washington DC.

Summer fun for Jackson, Spencer and Chase.

Tim built me a sturdy trellis for my beans. No more collapsing trellis' mid-harvest. Thanks Timmy!

The gang as they get ready to embark on their 50 miler. The Gorge up to Mt. Hood.
Jackson relaxing at SunRiver. He never hangs out at the pool. He must have been very tired after his 50 miler.

Biking to Bendham Falls in SunRiver. Beautiful view.
Hiking to the top of Mt. Bachelor. Jefferson had arrived the night before from DC to join some family fun.

Jackson found a "sled" at the house we stayed at and thought it would be useful on our hike.
We made it to the tippy tippy top and IT WAS FREEZING and so WINDY!!!

Jackson made it down the mountain in record time. Smart child. And very entertaining...

Our quick trip to UT last weekend of August for Elder Devonas' mission homecoming. Jackson entertaining himself and unsuspecting drivers along I-15
Quick stop to Cabela's. This fish had another fish in it's mouth. ODD!

Kennedy, Rebbecca and Haley having some fun in the mud, as all girl's like to do on occassion.

Brothers Michael and Raphael serving in the same mission in Germany for a few weeks. AWESOME! Welcome home Michael.
Before heading home, we said goodbye to the Aramaki's again. They were helping move Alyssa into her apartment at 10 pm the night before school starts. Love that family. Craig, who always love his picture taken.
Don't Alyssa and Mallory make the best roommates?

Dad's retirement dinner. Sorry, no pictures of the retiree. What is up with that?

Some outdoor projects. Trees houses:
Sleeping porch:
Won't it look great with this on it, hanging out over the Tualatin River. Yeah summer
Michael and Rebbecca enjoying Fall.
Crazy hail storm in Novemever
Jefferson passes his Eagle Board of Review, November 9th. Court of Honor to be announced later. Congrats Jefferson!
Crazy poppy seeds that sprouted within the poppy.

The Odyssey, as interpreted by Kennedy and Harrison's class. When they speared the Cyclops's eye, raw eggs ooozed out of it. Awesome!
No Shave November
Saw this at Athey Creek on my way by...

And so it begins. Kenneggs is in full swing with over 50 eggs laid a day!