Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Homecoming weekend

Mr. Jefferson was on the homecoming court this year. He also campaigned pretty hard for a shy young guy, Hyunjae, to be nominated and ultimately be King. Jefferson was successful and was so excited when he found out that Hyunjae was also on the court. Here are some photos of Jefferson and Grace getting ready for their introduction. I love that Jefferson went wild at the tux shop and picked out something other than the expected black and white tux. Kinda shocked me.

Sarah came with us to join in the fun and when they announced the king and queen, there was a collective disappointed "ohhh" from the Chandler gang, as we were expecting Hyunjae to be named king.

Nice shoes, King Jefferson!

We also enjoyed watching and listening to Jackson crank out some tunes with the band. He is very entertaining to watch. That child gets into his music.

Three boys enjoying. Congratulations Jefferson and way to bring the pep Jackson. Thanks Aunt Sarah for playing with us!


Price Cream Parlor said...

WOW! Who is the king of yours? So fun! Loving his color choice for his tux!!!

Kelly said...

Fun for Jefferson! He looks very dapper! And I just have to say that Jackson is looking frighteningly manly. I guess that's what 2 years away will do to a teenage boy!

Micah said...

fantastic smiles King Jefferson, fantastic outfit, fantastic drumming.

Micah said...

I meant symbols!! oops!