Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Friday, May 22, 2009


May 21-May 23 we ventured out to one of our most favorite spots, Sunriver.

We made a few stops along the way.  One stop was:

It's a long way down.

And the wind was just whipping up the dam and over the top of us.

For those of you without boys, or are faint of heart, please skip this next photo.  If you were a boy staring into the wind, what would you do?  Spit of course.  Jackson and Jefferson had a great time seeing who could get their spit the farthest behind them.  Clever boys. Here are the boys trying to follow their spit over their heads...
First thing Harrison finds is a chipmunk hill that is just calling for a fort:
We did a lot of biking:
Down to the Marina and stables:
And look who we found at the stables, just coming back from a one hour ride:

This is how you stand after an hour on a horse:
Getting ready for a bike ride to the park for a little three-on-three hoops:
Yes, the boys won by a close victory and our favorite quote from the game came from Harrison after an injury, "I can't go back!"  Oh the drama.
Silly girls on bikes:

On our way home we stopped at Lava Lands:

The following picture is an ode to the chipmunk:
Kennedy on top of the Lava Butte Cinder Cone:
We made one more stop in Bend at Joe's going out-of-business sale.  Look what we came home with, a Leatherman display case and...
A trailer of course!
Heading into Sisters:
A must stop at Sno-Cap for some ice cream:

Two hours into the drive home Jackson pulls out a little something that he purchased at the North Store in Sunriver on one of his many bike explores;

He was so pleased with himself.

We had a delightful time!


Price Cream Parlor said...

This looks like a fun trip! I have never been to Sunriver - I might just have to make a trip....

heywhatsup. said...

What a fun family! I will go on a trip with you guys whenever, for sure. Tell everyone I said HI!

silly aunt sarah said...

awesome! you are busy even on vacation!

Micah said...

How fun!! Fantastic photos, I like the one of Jenny on her bike and the horses, awesome!!

Kelly said...

I'm so glad you guys got a nice getaway -- looks fun! It wasn't the spit picture that scared me, it was the one looking down the dam -- eeeek!

Has Jackson grown a foot since I moved?