Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Monday, March 2, 2015

First Adventures

Harrison was game enough to try an Asian dish of hot noodles, broth, some greens and a boiled egg for breakfast.  He rocked those chopsticks!  Notice the napkins in his pocket?  Most places do not have napkins, so we have quickly learned to bring our own.


Decisions, decisions...what to eat?

A panorama of Marina Bay.  This is the Art Science Museum and it is surrounded by a pool full of lotus and the museum itself is in the shape of a lotus.  I will work on getting a better picture of the museum.  The architecture in Singapore is fantastic and so eclectic.  I am sure there will be several posts highlighting the architecture.

We have spent a good amount of time traveling in taxis as we look for our new home.  These two get a little bored, actually, we all do.

Until we find our permanent home we are staying at The Orchid Country Club.  It is lovely.  It has beautiful views, pools, a Subway and a grocery store, a few restaurants, a shuttle to the MRT station, wifi only in the lobby (doesn't make for the best place to do schoolwork) and a music school moving so the kids bought some new musical instruments.  A ukulele and a guitar are also sharing the room with us.

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