Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summertime update

Here is a feeble attempt at catching up on our summertime activities. We will begin with the 1st of August and work our way to high school graduation. Enjoy the ride!

The sun has finally arrived and we are enjoying produce out of the garden! Harrison has baked six loaves of gluten-free zucchini bread in the last two days and they are delicious.

YW camp was fabulous! A wonderful group of young women and leaders spending time with each other in a great location learning about Home Sweet Home! For FHE Monday night we had a special speaker and presentation. She had everyone send in a family photo to put into a slide show. Here is mine. Good memories!

Group photo:

Ward photo:

Tired leaders singing the girls a bedtime song (this is Thursday night around 11:30)

Flowers out of the garden:

Here is Jackson's version of babysitting. The kids were thrilled:

What do you do with ducks and geese to keep from having to kayak the river to corral them home everyday?

You dig them a pond:

Fourth of July at the Molalla parade:

Traditional blueberry pancakes at grandma and grandpas on the 4th:

Whitney Craft's wedding July 2nd. Fantastic firework show. Harrison recorded the entire show if you really want to see it. Fun way to end a wedding reception!

June 26th HARRISON's 10th birthday and a trip to the beach with his mom and aunt Amy. Everyone else was in UT or roadtripping East.

Another fun outing with mom and Aunt Sarah to the food carts in Portland for a yummy gluten free lunch for all. We even had a gf brownie. Love the food carts!

Harrison picked enough strawberries in the garden to make two pies. Way to go Harrison!

Kennedy enjoying time with the Aramaki's in UT.

With just Harrison and mom at home, the two of us enjoyed some easy meals. Harrison created a BLT and egg sandwich. YUM!

Before leaving Dodge, Jefferson spent time with great friends:

One wack-a-do flaming white-hot fire. It felt great to get rid of the pile of cottonwood!

Graduation at the Chiles Center! Congratulations Jefferson!!

Jefferson playing the prelude for bacaluareate:

Graduation party:

Finally painted the bathroom and added a friend:

Tim and Jenny enjoy a long weekend to Catalina Island in CA to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary.

Freezing cold garden trying to bloom and grow without sun and warmth:


Price Cream Parlor said...

WOW! Loved catching up! Loving the new deck! Fantastic!

I might add I was a little weepy not being in those camp photos! Good times!

Love you!

silly aunt sarah said...

Fantastic is right! Thanks for the catch up, you guys are busy but it looks like FUN. Go Chandlers!