Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lulu the Bunny

Some friends of ours (the Stouts) got two bunnies for their daughter, but soon had 9...we agreed to take ONE off their hands. Lulu has been surprisingly easy to take care of so far, and will help us dye eggs for Easter next month.


Price Cream Parlor said...

Indoor? I heard you can train them to go in a litter box. It can be the cat you never had...

silly aunt sarah said...

she is cute and will make a nice hat. does she like her leash?

Kelly said...

Even better than a puppy! :)

Micah said...

no aunt sarah!! she's adorable, I want to love her, and pet her and hold her.......

silly aunt sarah said...

and name her George.