Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Friday, January 22, 2010


Harrison was having a terrible, no good, horrible day today. I asked him what was making it such a very awful day. His reply, "It's been a jackpot of bad moments." Wow! I told him that was not a jackpot I would like to win. Love that boy.


silly aunt sarah said...

funny. jackpot used to feel good, guess not for harry!

Price Cream Parlor said...

He is so funny!!! Love that you captured that for your 'journal'...

Kelly said...

I loved this! He is too funny. That will leave me smiling all day!

amy said...

Jackpot? sound more like a crappot! poor Harry. Hey did you get your boots from Target? I have the same pair!