Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Monday, March 9, 2009

Good moon, Bad moon

A photo of a good moon:

I will not share a photo of a bad moon, instead I will tell you about a bad moon, a moon so bad that it would land oneself in detention for the day and unable to participate in your team's first track meet.

Any questions? You could ask the bus full of middle schoolers, the running buddies who encouraged to show the moon, or you could just ask Jefferson about it.


Micah said...

He doesn't know about his naughty Aunties does he? That is funny, since it is not my child!!! And that is not the child I was thinking this was going to be about.
Good music!!

Kelly said...

Oh my! I also was not expecting a Bad Moon post to be about Jefferson. I'm stifling giggles over here.

amy said...

Ha Ha Ha! Poor Jackson, I was thinking the same thing as everyone else, that is want makes it even funnier! So just ham, not pressed ham! nice!

Price Cream Parlor said...

I would have totally guessed this mooning wonder boy was a 'little!' HA! Sorry - but this is funny because it wasn't one of mine!!
"Hang on and carry on" - this is my mantra...I will share as that is how I roll...

silly aunt sarah said...

i am proud! he has a little craven in him afterall!!

Anonymous said...

I was just telling someone at church how my best friend got kicked out of girls camp for mooning! I'm sure his Aunties are proud ;)

silly aunt sarah said...

fun cooker!!!