Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Friday, December 5, 2008

Whose teeth are these?

Let's see if you can place the teeth in the correct mouth...

So...which mouth would you put them into?

Today Kennedy was very, very, brave and she got 4 of her baby teeth pulled. Here she is with her "Happy gas" mask onto help relax her a bit.

Alex, the dental hygenist was so kind and comforting to Kennedy. I think they are new best friends.

And here is Kennedy sans four teeth. I have no idea how her mouth can hold so many teeth!

Jackson took these lovely teeth from a half decomposed nutria and made them into this lovely necklace that he wears proudly. He is so enamored with nutria he has set a "nutria trap" on the island and checks it daily for a catch. I am thinking he will be coming home one night from his trap checks smelling of skunk ;0)


Kelly said...

Oh, Kennedy's face in that picture with the hygienist! She's been through it, poor girl.

Those Nutria teeth are something else, maybe Jackson will start a new trend amongst the teen set.

Price Cream Parlor said...

Poor Kennedy! Holy Cow! She is a brave soul! Those teeth are crazy - the Nutria - not Kennedy's - ha! I will be looking for Mr. Jackson and his new bling around his neck! Will he be sporting a new pelt as well?