Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Friday, March 6, 2015

Singapore Botanic Garden

We finally made it to the Botanical garden.  I have signed up to volunteer there and I really wanted to check out all of different areas in the garden.  It is an enormous place.  The trip did not go well.  First, we got a late start so it was already blazing hot when we got there.  Second, my children had no interest in joining me but I made them come thinking they would find something worthwhile to hold their attention or peak their curiosity.  No, they were not having it.  Third, there was a lot of walking involved.  It took 30 minutes to walk from the entrance that the MRT arrived at to the visitors center. Thirty minutes with no shade.
No water.
Big mistake.
Not happy people.
We used our umbrella for shade.
We did see a few flowers along our way through the streams of sweat pouring off of us.
There were others but these people were not having any of it.  Kennedy amusing herself.


 We are a very photogenic family, aren't we.  Add tired sweaty mess and this is what you get.




 And then there were these very pungent flowers.

First stop was water, then the lovely air conditioned MRT station.  We will try again under better conditions or I may just go and enjoy it all by myself.

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