Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Monday, October 11, 2010

Love and light and let go

So I need to send out some love and light and let go so that I can move on in a positive direction. So I am sending it out and posting a video that makes me happy every time. This video sums up my kids. Kennedy is no where to be seen, she is hiding in her room. Harrison is yelling at Jefferson to stop singing, or playing the piano depends on the day and Jackson is secretly taping Jefferson singing with much gusto. You will notice the camera shakes a bit. jackson is laughing at his wackado brother and laughing at his brillant idea to secretly tape his older brother.


Price Cream Parlor said...

One of my favorite videos indeed! Love it!
Love and light...
hope you are able to let go...

Kelly said...

I had forgotten that phrase! I'm glad you reminded me. I need to use that one often!

Love the video!

Micah said...

this too makes me smile.... come on, laugh out loud everytime I watch it. thanks for sharing again. hope all is well now!