Chandler Family Fun

{Welcome to the Chandler Family fun page. We hope to update it monthly with some photos and activities because momma ain't making any scrapbooks}

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mt. Bachelor

The Chandler Family went on a little hike on Mt. Bachelor in central Oregon today. It was in the mid-80's and beautiful when we started from the parking lot below, but grew chillier as we climbed...

By the time we got to the summit (9,000'), the wind picked up with 30-mph gusts and the temperature dropped into the 40', of course, boys want to take their shirts off!


Price Cream Parlor said...

YEAH!!! Loving your new post and the song of SUMMER in the background!
Looks like a grand time!

Kelly said...

You look mighty chilly up there! The boys crack me up!! What a great hike, though.