Today was the annual
Tea and Poetry at Jackson's school. The 7
th graders prepare the food and set the tables with fancy folded napkins, decorations and place cards. Then they serve as wait staff to the teachers, parents, and 8
th graders. The 8
th graders get to enjoy the food and then share their talents in word and song. Jackson did not share his drumming talent :( That would have spiced it up a bit. Jackson did share two poems that he wrote. The first was in German with two of his buddies. They each talked about colors. Jackson's had something to do with butter and grasshoppers...The other poem he shared was titled "Livestock" He used a whole lot of words that I had no idea what they where. I got bovine, but many of the other "
ine" ended words I had no clue about. He told me that they meant chicken, moose, squirrel....you get the idea.
thoroughly enjoyed the talent of the students and how courageous they
were to sing and recite poetry for us. Very impressed. I forgot the camera, so enjoy the three photos I took with my phone.

Jackson at our table trying
successfully to foil my attempt at photographing him.

Tucker, Jackson, and Alex reciting their "Color" poem in German.
Due to popular demand here is Jackson's Livestock poem. He added the simple words in parenthesis, for those of us with lesser vocabulary than Jackson. Isn't he thoughtful?
If you have livestock that’s only anatine, (Rabbit)
May I suggest something not quite as small;
If you like eggs, maybe something galline, (Chicken)
But if you don’t, maybe something more tall.
If there’s room, something that grazes might do.
There are many options to keep in mind,
You might look into the type that can moo.
If you prefer the bovinular kind.
If you would like a wild animal
I’d recommend something corvine for sure, (Moose)
If it’s a pteropine, it’s a Cannibal! (Flying Fox)
If you keep on searching, you will find more.
If they turn out to be too much for you,
Then you should sell them and get something new.